Lab - MILAN’25 edition
The contest Malamegi LAB is managed in all its parts by the creative workshop Malamegi Lab and by the Moho - art services, under a mandate of the Malamegi company.
To whom is the contest addressed?
The contest is addressed to professional and amateur artists, graphic designers, painters, photographers, etc.. from all over the world.
Purpose and theme of the contest
The contest is aimed at promoting the artists participating in it, giving them the opportunity to become involved effectively in the market of art and decoration. The artists are free to interpret personally the competition through their own sensitivity. The theme is free.
The competition provides for the selection of 12 finalists.
Malamegi Lab will acquire one among 12 final artworks. This artwork will become part of the Malamegi Lab’s private collection. The award has a maximum purchase value of € 2000,00. Artworks not for sale or with a price higher than the acquisition prize will not participate in this prize. These artworks will still be able to win one of the other prizes.
12 artists will be selected for the final exhibition of the competition. The exhibition opening will be accompanied by the general catalogue, distributed throughout the exhibition period. Invitations to vernissage will be sent to artists, curators, critics, journalists and media of the hosting city.
At the end of the collective exhibition, to an artist among the 12 selected will be awarded a cash prize of € 1000,00. The award will be given based on the quality and originality of the work on display. The winning work will remain property of the artist. The prize is a contribution to the development of art and artist's aesthetic research.
A monographic book will be dedicated to one of the finalists. The monography will be curated by Malamegi Lab with the support of final exhibition's curators. The book will be edited, developed, printed and distributed at Malamegi Lab expenses. Apart the copies in distribution, another ones will be added for the artist's personal use. The monograph will be printed in about 100 copies, of which 20 will be left to the artist. The distribution of monographs will be curated by Malamegi on behalf of its best customers and collectors.
Types of works
The following types of works are admitted:
Mixed media
Net art
Other (all visual works that can be reproduced through a picture are allowed)
The limit size of the artworks entered must be a maximum of 3 x 3 meters. Each work must be presented by a picture and a description. In case of works composed of several elements, the single image presented should group all the elements.
Participation method and deadline
Application deadline: March 12, 2025
Participation fees:
1 artwork = €50,00
2 artworks = €80,00
3 artworks = €110,00
4 artworks = €130,00
5 artworks = €145,00
6 artworks = €160,00
Payments can be made by credit / debit card, PayPal or bank transfer. Contact details and deadlines for fee payment are included in the contest registration form. Participation fees must be paid before the final selections. Participation fees are non-refundable, even in the case of non-selection.
To participate, simply fill out the registration form relating to the selected contest, which is available on the home page or right here:
Selections and exhibition
The 12 artists selected for the final exhibition and the 3 artists among them, to which will be assigned:
- artwork acquisition award
- a cash prize of 1,000 Euros
- a monographic book prize
will be selected by unquestionable judgment of Malamegi Lab's staff together with the artistic and commercial department of the Malamegi company. The selection of the 12 finalists will take place the week following the closing date of the competition. The selection of the winners will take place the next week after the end of the exhibition. The shipping, collection and eventual insurance of the artworks for the duration of the exhibition is the responsibility of the artists. Malamegi Lab and MOHO - art services, which manage the competition, will not be responsible for any damage, theft or loss of the artworks. The works of the selected artists will have to be sent to the offices of Malamegi Lab. Details and shipping times will be communicated directly to the selected artists after the end of the selection process. All the artworks not withdrawn by the artists within 6 months of the end of the final exhibition can no longer be withdrawn or claimed.
Winning artists will be contacted directly by Malamegi Lab for all appropriate arrangements once the selections have been concluded. Names of the winning artists will be published on the official website of the contest ( by the following deadlines:
Notification of selected artists : March 31, 2025
Privacy policy
By registering artists agree to be bound by this agreement and accept all its parts. Artists authorize Malamegi Lab to process artist's personal data in accordance with law. Personal data and uploaded images will be used in accordance to the purpose of the contest. Artists are the solely responsible for the images' content and description. Cash prizes for artists, as per Presidential Decree n. 430/2001 (art. 6, paragraph 1, letter a), are to be considered as recognition of personal and artistic merit or competitions held for the production of artistic works, excluded from the application of the regulations on prize competitions.
Right of modification
Malamegi Lab reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of the contest, if required for a better development of the contest.