Lab MILAN’23
Robert Sunderman United States Sculpture

Artwork title : Fractured Journey: Shattered Glass Series

Not limiting materials is so important in my work. I use whatever best conveys the subject or story that I am addressing. I recently have been working on pieces dealing with renewal, fleeting moments, human intervention of natural cycles in a variety of medium. 

Almost all my work has to do with nature, our natural environment, climate change and all organic things. I want the work to convey a sense of beauty, but also confront the challenges we are faced with our environment. I want people to look at things in our world that sometimes are ignored or just not thought about. I what people to look at my work and think about how important our world really is. “We can live in harmony with nature and not dominate it. We can live within it as part of the cycle of our world”.

My sculpture pieces are metal and assemblages using found materials, natural materials and various paint mediums to tell stories that are personal or contemporary to our society. The intent is to create a feel of something of the past or a relic but that has a message for our current society. I have been working on four main series of work: Tree Series, Shattered Glass Series, Reliquary Series and Tree/Fire Series. Each is related but have their own distinct quality and theme. This artwork many times has layered meaning both personal or in a boarder context with issues of our society in the present. 

This specific piece is a statement about a jouney we are all on. The work is a boat maded of plactic pags and is carring shattered glass to who knows where. It is snaged in a tree branch. Caught on a journey. It is about the world we have created envirnomentally. We are carrying a self created burden. What are we going to do about it? This also has personal meaning of caustic reletionships and the bagage I carry. The pieces of glass repersent individual lives and their story. The glass was collected for rivers, streams, the ocean and the streets of our cities. This piece was created during the Ukranian war struggle with russian: hense the colors of Ukriane

One of my favorite quotes is from Leonardo Da Vince “Art is never finished it is only abandoned”.