Lab Venice’22 edition
Andrea De Luigi Argentina Installation

Artwork title : All is One

Andrea De Luigi, All is One (Installation), 2022, painting (inks and acrylic), printmaking(monotype) and collage on wood, 70 x 59 x 12 inches

I am a human being in search for meaning. All is One is an intimate reflection on the meaning of Life. I focus on connections: relationships among human beings, between figures in a composition, on the interaction between human beings and Nature and between Life and Death.

My figures don’t have faces. They can be any human being connected with other human beings. As a former psychologist, I am attracted to the complexity of the human mind and spirit, of relationships, of Life. I express this complexity by interweaving techniques  and materials - painting, printmaking and collage on wood, paper or canvas -and by the playful layering of patterns and surface textures and the combination of realistic and abstract imagery. Figures blend among themselves and merge with the background as metaphors of our connections among ourselves and with Nature and of our transience, of the ephemeral quality of our life.  We are passengers in a short but amazing journey. While this journey lasts I play with lines, forms, colors and textures, and search for the meaning of Life.