Lab Venice’22 edition
Neto Vettorello Brazil Painting

Artwork title : Respect

Respect (2021)
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas
60 x 80 cm
Respect, this simple word is used by many citizens who are on the margins of society and are what keeps them alive and belonging to their community, but who often need to use it to impose themselves on others, whether through force and/or by other unconventional means.
That's what I portray in this work. A teenager who does not know about the whereabouts of his natural parents, he was raised by his uncles and adopted by drug trafficking, yet another victim of an unequal society and an invisible being for many, but he is a human being in search of being respected and accepted for the rest, a soldier from the "favela" who puts his life at risk to achieve a better future.