Noemi Federica Granato Italy Installation

The theme is the love affair.
A love affair can be healthy, beautiful, enviable one, but it also can be dark and insane. It is difficult to uderstand, but the two lovers find a balance in their unhealthy relationship, preferring to suffer together than to be happy apart.
But this is only one of the many possible stories.
My work takes inspiration from "Owners" by C. Churcil, a play about Clegg and Marion - the two main characters - wild relationship.
The installation is composed by:
photographic print (in the front), mirrored red sheet (in the back) plexiglass frame 90x70 cm, butcher hook and iron plate.
The installation is hung from the ceiling and is distante almost 20/30 cm from the wall. Two spotlights illuminate the red sheet in the back